The Question Of The Control Of Public Air-raid Shelters Is
becoming serious, and may soon become more so. Where there are considerable aggregations of people there will always be some turbulent individuals, particularly in this time of......
The Question Sir Henry Morris-jones, Who Is Himself A...
has put to the Prime Minister regarding the facts con- cerning Lord Lothian's death involves questions it would be preferable to avoid, but since the late Ambassador died with-......
The Small But Progressive Reduction In The Total Of Civilian
air-raid deaths-6,954 in September, 6,334 in October, 4,588 in November—is satisfactory, though the number is dis- tressingly high. The November figures included the inten-......
The New Ambassador May Have Been Appointed Before These...
are in print, but mere contemplation of the list of pos- sible successors to Lord Lothian shows how impossible it will be to find anyone to succeed him adequately. An almost......
A Spectator 's Notebook
T HE emphasis laid by Lord Beaverbrook on a new attempt at invasion in his broadcast on Tuesday was surprising, but it is to be noted that it synchronises with the assertion by......
Turkey Control Surprise—daily Telegraph. However, It...
by Lord Woolton, not Herr......
The Laval Affair
E VENTS are moving rapidly in France, and some of the later moves may help to explain the former. But before explanations come fact s . Unfortunately the facts on which reliance......