Speculations Are Interesting Because They Reveal More...
than anything else. I have heard Lord Cran- borne and Sir Archibald Sinclair mentioned, and a host of others. One particularly interesting name was Lord Snell ; after all, he......
The War Damage Bill Was Introduced By Sir Kingsley Wood
in a speech which was worthy of the theme. No one pretends yet to have mastered the intricacies of this vast scheme. Even Sir William Jowitt admitted that nobody yet understood......
The Question Has Arisen Whether Sir Robert Vansittart, As...
Diplomatic Adviser to the Government, should broad- cast at all, quite apart from the merits of his actual text. Civil Servants, of course, do not broadcast as such in their......
Ministers Will Be Free From Parliamentary Criticism For A...
recess : it is to be hoped that they will spend some of the long nights overhauling office methods and thinking out afresh the wide range of new subjects which war has......
Communist Agitators
The Labour Party has always stood for giving a fair deal to Russia. Before the war it always favoured reasonable working arrangements with the Soviet Government whether in the......
1 He Value Of A Life Not Lived
The House of Lords was called upon last Monday to deliver judgement on the damages that should be awarded to the executors of a child of two and a half for loss of expectation......
The Week In Parliament
Our Parliamentary Correspondent writes: The House of Commons is about to disperse for the Christmas recess, but it would not care to go away before hearing the statement on the......
Social Centres For Evacuees
It is good to hear of a reception district in which the local authorities have taken energetic and enlightened measures to provide for the social well-being of mothers and......