20 SEPTEMBER 1986, page 22

Irish In Poland

Sir: Stan Gebler Davies complains that 'the Irish cannot speak Irish' (Dear acid ton- gue', 6 September). He might be cheered to know that some Poles are learning 'the trumpet......


Sir: I read with much interest an article in the Chicago Sun-Times about your club of 'young fogeys in Britain'. I must admit I found it fascinating. Perhaps I share some of......

Durham And Nicaea

Sir: May one of A. N. Wilson's fellow passengers be allowed to disassociate him- self from the extraordinarily offensive arti- cle ('Cruising with the Bishop') you pub- lished......

Letters Race Relations Industry

Sir: It was, I think, Mr Michael Ivens who coined the expression left-wing entre- preneur', and it is this which springs to mind when contemplating the Institute of Race......

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