Gospel Of Divorce
Sir: A. N. Wilson's complaint against the admission of divorced men to the priest- hood should not stop there. Divorced and remarried laity are admitted to Holy Com- munion: how......
I Introduced Her
Sir: I must take issue with my friend Taki over the rubbish he writes about Jane Holzer (High life, 28 February). She was not 'from the wrong side of Park Avenue' (there is no......
Third-class Minds
Sir: A tiny correction, to keep the Specta- tor record spotless. Connolly . ('Waugh drops the pilot', 7 March) did not get a third in Greats, but in the Modern History School.......
Tory Racists
Sir: As a member of Britain's ethnic community I read Andrew Gimson's arti- cle on Harvey Proctor ('Right behind Harvey', 14 March) with horrific fascina- tion. It is clear from......
Sir: May I Apologise For A Mistake In My Article
'Waugh drops the pilot' (7 March)? Where Waugh wrote of the Belfast Irish- man receiving a bible and a bowl of broth, the final sentence should read: 'He has excreted [not......
Letters Ruskin's Role
Sir: There are two articles in the 7 March issue of the Spectator which contain refer- ences to Ruskin College, Oxford. The first is by Peter Jenkins, 'The treason of the......