I Hired Jenkins
Sir: There was one mistake in Peter Jenk- ins' otherwise excellent article in the Spec- tator two weeks a g o (`The treason of the hacks'), and since it is repeated by the......
Tory Racists
Sir: As a member of Britain's ethnic community I read Andrew Gimson's arti- cle on Harvey Proctor ('Right behind Harvey', 14 March) with horrific fascina- tion. It is clear from......
Lay Off
Sir: Do you think your lot could now lay off layin g into Entertaining with Style by me and my co-author Polly Tyrer? For Ni g ella Lawson (Restaurant, 3 January) to have a g o......
Ill Fares . .
Sir: It would be a pity to end this corres- pondence (Letters, 7 March) without men- tion of that other distinguished Oliver Dr Oliver St John Go g arty. His pi q uant parody of......
Religious Affair
Sir: There is no scriptural warrant for the view, `Onan is a wanker' (David Austin, Cartoon, 14 March). Andrew Brown Religious Affairs Correspondent, The Independent, 40 City......