23 FEBRUARY 1878, page 15


MR. LECKY'S HISTORY OF THE EIGHTEENTH CENTURY.* OF course, Mr. Lecky has written a valuable and interesting history. He never touches a subject without presenting to the eye......


0 LOVELY lake ! Time was, long years ago, I knew each inlet of thy happy shore, Thy tributary streamlets score on score, The paths beside thy banks or high or low, Swam thy......

A Neglected Reform.

(TO THE EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOR. "] - SIR,—Permit me to call your attention to what seems to be an. oversight in the very sensible article in the Spectator recently on reform......


FORWARD ! FORWARD ! There is no strongest can withstand, Nor most rebellious heart can disobey, Nor quit the unceasing march of night and day, 'The omnipotent, unalterable......