23 FEBRUARY 1878, page 2

A Scheme Is Evidently Being Pressed For Using Sepoy...

against Russia, and the Times' Calcutta correspondent warns the public that if they are to be so used, the number of European officers in each regiment, which is now seven, must......

The Determined Obstinacy Of The Spaniards In Cuba Has...

been rewarded by success. The last chiefs remaining in insurrection have made terms with the Government of Havannah, and submitted. The subjugation of the island has cost Spain......

The News From The Cape Is Unpleasant, In This Way.

The troops and the volunteers are defeating the insurgent Kafirs everywhere, and seizing large numbers of cattle and sheep, but the younger leaders of the tribes in Kaffraria......

Neither The Correspondents Of The London Journals Nor...

agents do reporting work well. Considerable trouble was taken to report the gist of Prince Bismarck's speeches on Tuesday on the Eastern Question, but much of the trouble was......

The Meeting Of Workmen Arranged For Thursday At The Agri-

cultural Hall was given up, ostensibly because neutrality was in no danger, really because such a meeting in a hall with twenty or more entrances would have ended in a series of......

Mr. Layard, Besides Peremptorily Denying The Charges...

by Server Pasha, the Turkish Minister for Foreign Affairs, has demanded his dismissal from the Sultan. This has been granted, and Server Pasha has consequently resigned the......

Mr. Fawcett On Thursday Made A Great Effort To Bring

the children employed in agriculture under the protection of the Fac- tory Acts. He specially wanted that the attendance of agricultural children at school should be made......

Moderate Russophobists Should Note The Situation In...

The theory of the war party is that a small State in South-Eastern Europe is always Russian. Well, there are four such States, and Roumania is raging against Russia ; Servia......

The Senate Of The United States Passed The Bland Bill

making silver legal tender on the 16th inst., by 48 to 21, or rather more than the two-thirds majority which will be needful to override the President's veto. The majority......