23 FEBRUARY 1878, page 3

Mr. Lowther, Who Has Been Made Secretary For Ireland, And

has consequently applied to his constituents at York for re-elec- tion, is apparently very anxious to earn the reputation of being as cynical, as bounceable, and as incapable of......

The Assassination Of The Ablest Judge On The English Bench,

the Master of the Rolls, was attempted yesterday, but fortu- nately unsuccessfully, by a clergyman (believed to be in- sane) who had lost his case in this Court. The Rev. Henry......

Mr. Layard, Besides Peremptorily Denying The Charges...

by Server Pasha, the Turkish Minister for Foreign Affairs, has demanded his dismissal from the Sultan. This has been granted, and Server Pasha has consequently resigned the......

Mr. Meldon Moved A Resolution On Tuesday Declaring That The

assimilation of the English, Scotch, and Irish borough franchise was a matter deserving the immediate attention of Parliament, and thereby raised a debate in which it was......

Consols Were On Friday 95 1 1 I ., To 95/9,t.


Sir Wilfrid Lawson, At Cockermouth On Wednesday Night,...

very amusing speech about the theatrical diplo- matic performance in which the Government have lately been engaged. They ought to have commenced the Session with an announcement......

In The Lower House Of Convocation Yesterday Week A...

was passed by the immense majority of 56 to 9 against admitting within the consecrated burial-grounds of the Church any rites -other than her own. In the House of Commons, on......

Lord Selborne And The Oxford Commissioners Have Commenced...

in London, but it will be some time yet before their scheme for the requirements of the University is before the world. The case of All Souls' College has been partly considered......