23 OCTOBER 1880, page 2

The French Government Have Taken Another Downward Step In...

discreditable policy of religious persecution which they have thought it politic to pursue. On Sunday they dispersed the Barnabites,—a body of non-political missionaries to the......

The Fog Of Sunday Was Bad Enough To Warn Londoners

of what may be in store for them, and we are happy to perceive that the " Fog and Smoke Committee," in connection with the National Health and Kyrie Society, is discussing means......

The Conservatives Are Saying All The Bitter Things They Can

think of against Mr. Gladatone's Government, while thanking God that they are not as other men are, nor even as those Liberals who ran down the Conservative Government so shame-......

We Omitted To Notice Last Week That Lord Selborne, In

re- tiring from the Oxford Commission, has been replaced as President of that Commission by the Master of University College, Dr. Bradley, from whom the Liberals hope even more......

Sir Wilfrid Lawson, On Tuesday, Warned His Supporters At...

not to be too cock-a-hoop over the great victory of the principle of "local option" on Waterloo Day (June 18th). He himself, however, was quite cock-a-hoop enough. He said that......

Lord Justice Thesiger Died On Wednesday, At The Early Age

of 42, after having held his office of Judge of Appeal for only three years,—years long enough, however, to show his eminent qualification for the place into which he was put,......

The Times Publishes, In A Letter From Simla., An Official

ex- planation of the determination to remain, in Candahar until the spring. The writer, who avowedly gives the opinions of the Indian Government, states that the Wali Shere AE......

Special Correspondents At Paris, Berlin, And St....

that the Emperor Alexander was recently married, with all religious and legal ceremonial, to the Princess Dolgorouki, who has long been his acknowledged mistress, has......