23 OCTOBER 1880, page 20

A Manual Of The Alkali Trade. By John Lomas. (crosby

Lock- wood and Co.)—This is a work of thoroughly practical character. It discusses all the mechanical details, the planning and the working of a chemical factory devoted to the......

Current Literature.

Six Lectures on Physical Geography. By the Rev. Samuel Haughton, M.D., F.R.S. (Dublin : Hodges, Foster, and Figgie.)- " The Past History of our Globe, and its Future Prospects......


Ma. OSWALD ORAWIPURD has an advantage over most writers= who deal with the affairs of foreign countries, iu that he has an intimate acquaintance with the country of which he......

Notes On Game And Game Shooting. By J. J. Manley.

(The Bazaar Office.) — Mr. Manley, it is evident, has a genuine taste for observing the life of animals, though he has not risen to the height of finding no pleasure in killing......