23 OCTOBER 1880, page 3

We Are Glad To See That In Some Of The

London Vestries a stir is being made against the discreditable practice of spending the rates in providing dinners for the Vestrymen and for their cus- tomers. At the Newington......

During A Trial For Forgery Before The Central Criminal Court

on the 21st inst., a letter was read addressed by a prisoner named Cherwood, previously convicted of forgery, to the Governor of Newgate. Cherwood affirmed that all the......

The President Of The English Church Union, The Hon. C.

L. Wood, said in his address at the annual festival of the Union at Bristol on Wednesday night, that the return of Mr. Brad- laugh to Parliament rendered " the discussion of any......

The News From The Cape Is Of A Mixed Character.

General Clarke, in command of 1,600 volunteers, 1,000 of whom were mounted, reached Mafeteng on the 19th inet. The Basutos besieging the town made a desperate resistance to his......

The Rainfall Of The Last Twenty Years, As Observed At

Moseley, near Birmingham, brings out the curious result that April is, on an average, the driest of our months, and September the wettest. This is the list of the months......

Last Sunday, Mr. Stopford Brooke Preached His First...

an unattached clergyman, at Bedford Chapel, after using a form of service in which the Creeds and "Te Deum " and the "Gloria Patri " were omitted, and the Commandments com-......

Special Correspondents At Paris, Berlin, And St....

that the Emperor Alexander was recently married, with all religious and legal ceremonial, to the Princess Dolgorouki, who has long been his acknowledged mistress, has......

Consols Were On Friday 99 To 99t.
