The Government Won The First Trick When The King Yielded
before the menace of Civil War. We do not doubt his honest belief in the proud words that he flung back to his country : " I am King of all Spaniards . . . I could find ample......
India - - Bombay Last Week Was Full Of The
pageantry of welcome and farewell. On Sunday - the Viceroyalty changed hands and Lord Irwin sailed for England. No truer friend to Irelia or more loyal servant of her......
Abroad The First Official Step Has Been The Resignation Of
Ambassadors and Ministers accredited by their august Sovereign. . There will be genuine sorrow here that the Marques de Merry del Val should leave the Court of St. James's,......
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News Of The Week
Spain S ENOR ZAMORA'S provisional Republican Govern. went continues to settle itself in the saddle. Ills Majesty's Ambassador in Madrid has conveyed to it the recognition of the......