[to The Editor Of The Spectator.]
SIR,—In your column on "Country Life" of April 11th, the writer says : " The hawks (of which genus none are now appearing in London) penetrate to the heart of Cologne," &e. Does......
Points From Letters
A GOOD WILL MOVEMENT IN INDIA. I have the pleasure to enclose herewith a copy of my statement to the Press dealing with the Good Will Movement and proposing the formation of a......
A Dog's Intuition
[To the Editor of the SPECTATOR.] SIR,—Some years ago, I with my sister and brothers bought an absolutely new house in the North of England.. As the elder sister I had the......
A Hundred Years Ago The " Spectator," April 23zen, 1831.
CONSISTENCY OF FREEMEN. A Virginia paper, in the same number which contained the account of the rejoicings for ' the fifty-first anniversary of " American independence,"......
Hawks In London
[To the Editor of the SPECTATOR.] SIR,—In your issue for the 11th inst. in the article " Country Life, " Sir W. Beach Thomas states - that the "genus " hawk has disappeared......