The Cardinal And Tanager.
The query about the scarlet bird in St. James's has brought many answers, one of peculiar interest. It comes from an American in Paris. He says, with much besides :— " Your......
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Several agencies have started allotment schemes for indus- trial workers, but undoubtedly the Society of Friends have led the way. The wisdom has been as great as the energy.......
Oxford And Cambridge Are Peculiarly Rich In Birds. Where Do
more birds gather to urban gardens than within Oxford (say, in the Masters' Lodgings of University) or where are you surer of finding certain migrants, such as the yellow......
English Wild Goats.
A visitor to North Devon the other day was amazed to find himself in the midst of a herd of wild goats—an animal that he hardly expected to find short of the Rockies. Their long......
Tile Cult Of Birds.
The extension of the cult of birds in Britain continually astonishes. Its latest sphere is the university. I know under- graduates who have completely surrendered games in order......
Country Life
MINING GARDENERS. It would perhaps be to the good if some of the attention devoted to " Family Farms "—a good phrase for a good thing—were exteLded to the home allotment. No one......
Some Of These Factories, For Example, The Sugar...
a good deal to the bigger farmers. Among others, Sir Frederick Hiam has been a general benefactor. This is all the more agreeable to contemplate since in the past such farmers......