The South African War.
[TO TIIE EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOR."] SIR,—Once more you assure us that the war was unavoidable and is just: May one who owes the Spectator much ask whether the acceptance of......
Reinforcements P
[TO THE EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOR.") Sin, — A mouse was seen in our bedroom one evening. The most mobile and courageous inmates of the house were hastily summoned, armed with......
The Treatment Of Young Criminals.
[To THE EDITOR OF TUB "SPECTATOR.") Sin, — May I crave the courtesy of the Spectator in order to call attention to the work of the London Prison Visitors Association, which was......
The Old Fear Of Invasion.
[To TILE EDITOlt OP THE "SPECTATOR."] e very 11 SIR, — Y0 say in the Spectator of October 19th, 'P "the frequent fears as to invasion seem 547, that strange," Sze. One of the......
Mrs. Wauchope's New Year's Appeal For The Black Watch.
[To THE EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOR."] Sin,—I notice in your paper appeals for gifts for Christmas for our soldiers in South Africa. I am hoping to send out a box with a gift for......
Words From St. Paul's.
[To PHE EDITOR 0/1 THE "SPECTATOR.") SD1,—Let me thank you sincerely for your kind notice in the Spectator of October 5th of my St. Paul's sermons of 1899. It will not take much......
Temperance Reform.
[To THE ED/TOR OP THE "SPECTATOR."] Sra,—You are, I believe, genuinely interested in temperance reform. Is it wise, therefore, to estrange your most probable allies by saying,......