26 OCTOBER 1901, page 1

We Are Delighted To Think That The Times Has Not

only ceased to oppose the only rational solution of the canal problem, but is evidently going to throw its great inftu• ence on the side' of a sensible solution. When once the......

The Approval Of The Step Taken By Lord Roberts And

Mr. Brodtick expressed in the Press has been most remarkable, and the few protests have been weak or hysterical. But though there has been a consensus of approval, there has......

Russia Is Apparently Pursuing In China The Precise Course...

we predicted last week. According to the Shanghai correspondent of. the Standard, a new Convention has been arranged under Which theC hinese regain the whole of Manchuria, and......

A Curtain Of Darkness Is Still Drawn Between Us And

the theatre of war. All we have learnt during the past week is that Botha and his force have not been captined, though it is not absolutely certain that - they have finally......

We Have Read With No Less Surprise Than Pleasure The

leading' ai-ticle in the Times of Friday on the Nicaragua Canal question, based on a letter from their Washington correspondent published in the same issue. -The article, prac-......

. News Of The Week

O N Wednesday it was announced that in consequence of the speech delivered by General Buller on October 10t1 the Commander-in-Chief, after hill consideration of all the cir-......

!* The Editors Cannot Undertake To Return Manuscript, In Any
