26 OCTOBER 1901, page 3

We Note With Satisfaction That A Resolution Urging The...

Of introducing in an early Session of Parliament a scheme for redistribution of seats on the basis of the present population was recently passed by the Grand Council of the......

Lord. Edmund Ritzraartrite, M.p., Unveiled A Statue To...

St. Ives on Wednesday, and delivered an inter- esting address on the character, achievements, and aims of the Protector. CioniWell, he observed,. Was perhaps the only historical......

Mr. Winston Churchill's Specific Criticism Of The Present...

things in the field is almost exactly that which we gave a fortnight ago. "Sixty-nine mobile columns are in tho field. On what plan are they working ? Does any one know? What......

We Hope That Not Only The Secretary Of State For

War but every Cabinet Minister will read Mr. Winston Churchill's admirable speech at Leicester on Wednesday. We do not agree with all the details of what he says, but with the......

The Daily Express Of Wednesday Is Responsible For The...

that the military authorities are preparing a scheme • for a reserve of Army pensioners, who are to be available for service up to fifty-five (why not sixty?) for home defence.......

Much, Perhaps Most, Of All This Is True, Though But

for "the golden mouth and smiting eyes "it might have remained unperceived ; but we hope that Mr. Morley in his biograpbY will remember what in his speech he.forgets, that Mr.......

Lord Rosebery Evidently Agrees With The Old Lady—one Of The

vieille roche — who complained that "we pampered our germs" far too much. In the highly entertaining speech which he delivered on Tuesday at Glasgow at a sale of work in con-......

We Have Always Felt Indignant That The Government...

not been more eager to defend the new Yeomanry from the attacks made upon them. Lord Stanley, however, speaki g on Thursday at Liverpool, did, we axe glad to note, defend this......

Bank Rate, 3 Per Cent. - - New Consols (21)

were on Friday 92j.......