Night In Martindale
NOT in the sound of water, the air's noise, The roar of storm, the ominous birds, the cries, The angel here speaks with a human voice. Stone into man must grow, the human word......
Country Life
Living in the Country Anyone going to live in the country is at once confronted by problems which never arise in the town: water supply, light, drainage, neighbours who are......
Asparagus Peas A New Pea, Which Appears To Be An
improvement or variation of the sugar-pea, itself little grown in this country, makes its appearance in the current seed catalogues. The plant is semi- creeping, with spreading......
The Cinema
" The Thief of Baghdad." At the Odeon--- All This and Heaven Too." At the Warner. The Thief of Baghdad was so long in the making that it had to be very good in order to live up......
Year's End After A Year Of Astonishing Meteorological...
we may know the number of hours of sunshine given by a summer that was a dream of temperate loveliness—the land looks in splendid condition. The young blades of wheat are a......
Farming Policy Scarcely A Week Passes Without A Report From
somewhere in England that " this branch (i.e., the N.F.U.) deplores the attitude of complacent self-satisfaction displayed in the House of Commons with regard to agricultural......