It Is A Significant Change Of Emphasis And It Will
be welcomed on most sides. Mr. Churchill is absorbed, as Defence Minister, in the major strategy of war on many fronts and at different levels. Surprises await the unwary at......
The Important Event Was Obviously The Prime Minister's...
have listened to almost every speech he has made during the last six years and I can never remember him speaking before from a single sheet of note-paper. The reason was soon......
But The Prime Minister Also Referred To Shelter...
to long-term production planning for agriculture and shipbuilding. He cannot personally supervise these vital domestic problems. But he gave a broad hint that he realised their......
The Vi" Eek In Parliament
Our Parliamentary Correspondent writes: The Prime Minister and Mr. Lloyd George closed the short session before the Christmas recess with further tributes to Lord Lothian. As......
Since The Debate Lord Halifax Has Been Appointed To...
Mr. Eden and Lord Cranbome resume control of the Foreign Office and Captain Margesson at last is given a department instead of a party to run. The Foreign Office and the Army......
In A Week In Which Christmas Falls On A Wednesday
it has been necessary for " The Spectator " to go to press on Tuesday instead of Thursday. There may also be some delays in distribution. Readers will understand that in such......
No Compulsory Evacuation Of Children
It is one thing to use every power of persuasion to induce parents to keep children away froin the danger zones, and another thing to compel them. All who appreciate the strong......
The Home Guard And Invasion
It is of the utmost importance that the right men should be chosen to be officers in the Home Guard. The distinguished retired officers who have been appointed to act as......
Christian Peace Aims
The titular spokesmen of the Church of England and the Free Churches of this country have shown wisdom as well as broadmindedness in taking as the basis for their statement of......