I Referred Last Week To Sir Henry Morris-jones' Question To
the Prime Minister as to the cause of Lord Lothian's death. The answer was as unsatisfactory as it could well be—and as it was bound to be. According to the British Embassy in......
These Shortages Are Getting Serious. Not A Razor-blade...
I read in one quarter. Hardly an alarm-clock to be had even now, I hear in another. What an appalling vision con- fronts us of millions of bearded Britons, or British beavers—......
Oxford Lost One Of Its Three O.m.s Through The Death
of Dr. H. A. L. Fisher, but I understand (not, let me hasten to add, from the person most concerned) that the gap will be filled in the coming New Year's Honours by an award......
A Spectator's Notebook
T HE appointment of Lord Halifax to Washington will leave everyone content—except perhaps Lord Halifax himself. There can be no doubt that acceptance of the post of Ambassa- dor......
Some Thirty Odd Years Ago I Expended A Shilling On
a small volume, invaluable to amateur debaters, entitled Pros and Cons, designed to prime you with unanswerable arguments on which- ever side you chose of a number of......
The Telegrams Sent Last Week To Lord Lugard By The
Governor and the Kabaka (the native ruler, who has recently attained the mature age of six) of Uganda, on the fiftieth anni- versary of the signature of the treaty he negotiated......
Hard On The Heels Of My Note Of Last Week
on the unsatis- factory situation in air-raid shelters due to the lack of the necessary authority by shelter-marshals comes (I do not claim post hoc ergo propter hoc) the issue......
The Second Christmas
W E have reached the second Christmas of the war, and we are keeping it with what heart we may. No confidence in the rightness of our cause is lacking, nor has doubt emerged......