MO THE mares OF THE “STECTATOV1 Snt,—I note that Mr. Burns when speaking upon afforesta- tion is reported to have said that the Government were con- sidering certain steps to be......
Colonials And Natives.
[To THE EDITOR OP THE " SPECTATOIC.1 SIR, — Natal Colonists will be grateful to you for your footnote to Mr. Douglas Blackburn's letter (Spectator, February 20th) in which you......
[to The Editor Or Mo "speotator;') Sir,—the Following...
in your issue of February 20th :— "But we must quote one passage in which Mr. Roosevelt estimated the characters of Washington and Lincoln : "There have been other men as great......
Mr. Wyndham And The Cotton Industry. [to Tau Ithit011 Of
THE . sracreron....] SIR,—I have been closely associated with the Lancashire ootton industry for upwards of thirty years, and all the time been, I hope, a diligent student of......
Good And Great Men.
[TO Tile EDITOR OF 'fCC SP EC l'ATi R.1 SIB,—As an American, I desire to express my thanks to you for your generous appraisement in last week's Spectator of Mr. Roosevelt's......