The Report Of The Committee Of The Lower House Of
the Convocation of Canterbury on "The Ornaments Rubric and Modifications of the Existing Law Relating to the Conduct of Divine Service" was published last week. The most......
The House Of Commons On Thursday Was Engaged In An
exceedingly interesting debate on local taxation. Lord Helmsley, who introduced the amendment in favour of a more equitable system, urged, as we have so often urged in these......
We Regret That Mr. Winston Churchill In The Commons On
Monday, in replying to a question by Mr. Levert= Harris in regard to cocoa and slave labour, gave an answer which, we fear, will inspire the planters of San Thom6 and Principe......
We Record With No Small Satisfaction That The Home...
in answer to a deputation composed of news- Paper editors and proprietors which waited upon him on Thursday, stated that it was the intention of the Government to introduce......
It Is Impossible For Us Even To Summarise The Numerous
minor changes recommended in the services. We note that the substitution of the "great commandment" for the Decalogue is recommended in the Communion Service when there is more......
In The House Of Commons On Thursday Sir Gilbert Parker
moved an amendment regretting that there was no reference in the ICing's Speech to the Congo. Sir Edward Grey replied in a manner which, the Vmss tells us, was regarded as......
A Considerable Number Of Militant Suffragists Came Into...
the police on Wednesday in an effort to reach the House of Commons. Twenty-seven ladies were arrested, and, on refusing to pay fines and give assurances for good behaviour,......
The By-election At Taunton Took Place On Tuesday, Mr. Peel
being returned with a majority of 891 (1,976-1,085). In 1906 the Unionist majority was 339. The decrease in the total poll appears to have been 284, and the decrease in the......
The Debate Was Resumed On Wednesday. Mr. Balfour...
• Dillon's notion that the Unionists had been coquetting with the Nationalists over the Fiscal amend- ment, and strongly demurred to the Irish Attorney. General's comparison of......