Church Unity.
LTO THR EDITOR OP THE " SP ROTATOR.' j SIR,—The letter which you publish under the above heading in last week's issue of the Spectator calla to mind some utterances of Bishop......
" The Sublime And Beautiful Carted Away. "
LT0 amp BDITOR OP raw "OplOTATO11 - 1 Sin, — I think, after all, it seems clear that it was Southey who talked of the sublime and -beautiful being carted away as he saw the......
Vill Age Playgrounds.
IT° THR EDITOR. or TO R " SPROTATOR." SIR,—If village playgrounds are to be provided, it will not only be desirable, but absolutely necessary, that your suggestion in the......
Seigneur Dakimkempert.
LTO THE EDITOR OF TUE " SPECTATOR.".1 SIR,—I offer the following suggestion to your correspondent who is seeking to identify Seigneur Dakimketnpert. In all likelihood......