Notice To Advertisers.
With the "SPECTATOR" of Saturday, July 18th, will be issued, gratis, a SPECIAL LITERARY SUPPLEMENT, the outside pages of which will be devoted to Advertisements. To secure......
News Of The Week.
T HE Emperor of Austria has been visiting Fiume, the Hungarian port, in Imperial state. Great part of his fleet was in the harbour, and the Hungarian Admirals, the Hun- garian......
We Fear That The Effort Of This Great Speech Delivered
so soon after recovering from his attack of influenza, was too much for Mr. Gladstone, for he has since been obliged to keep absolutely quiet,—indeed, he has been sent to Mr.......
The Old Rumour Has Revived That France Contemplates The...
of the whole of Siam, and the policy of Great Britain resisting such an aggression is openly discussed in Bangkok. That the French Colonial Office has thought of such a conquest......
Lord Ripon On Monday Raised A Serious Debate In The
Lords on the affairs of Muneepore, maintaining that while the Government of India was bound to interfere—an opinion, we are happy to see, repeated on all sides, and unanswerable......
Mr. Gladstone Delivered A Very Interesting Speech...
occasion of the Jubilee of the Colonial Bishoprics Fund, which was started in 1841 in his presence, and dwelt with great force on the wonderful resources which the Anglican......
The French Chamber On Thursday Passed An Outrageous Vote. By
439 to 104 it refused to ratify the Brussels Convention for the suppression of the slave-trade, which every other European Power has signed. The majority maintained that the......