Under Circumstances Described Elsewhere, M. La,serre On...
French Government why it had been so slow to prosecute M. Turpin and Captain Tripoli& accused and sentenced for selling the secret of making melinite, the new explosive, to......
The Free Education Bill Passed Its Second Reading On Wed-
nesday, after a three-days' debate, in which, for the most part, details rather than principles were debated. The second reading was carried by 318 to 10, the minute minority......
Mr. Henry Campbell, M.p., Mr. Parnell's Private...
by the Cork Herald of "hiring houses for the immoral purposes of his , master," and brought an action for libel. He utterly denied doing anything of the kind, asserted that some......
The Duke Of Connaught Laid The First Stone Of The
Church House on Wednesday, on a site close to Westminster Abbey. The Church House is to be one of the many monu- ments of the completion by the Queen of the Jubilee of her......
The Lords Intend To Pass The Land-purchase Bill, But They
think it due to themselves to have two days' debate on the second reading, and to threaten some amendments in Com- mittee. The debate opened on Tharsday with a detailed......
Bank Rate, 3 Per Cent.
New Consols (2i) were on Friday 951 to 95i.......
The Colonial Governments Live A Good Deal On Hope. Mr.
Foster, the Canadian Chancellor of the Exchequer, introduced his Budget on Wednesday, and announced a surplus, the re- venue for 1891-92 being calculated at 27,270,000, and the......
The " Felibres " Of Paris, Who Are Associated Together
to celebrate the glory of Provence, to revive its language (at least as a language of literature), and to keep fresh the fame of the Provençal poets, Florian, Aubanel, and the......