27 JUNE 1891, page 15
Letters To Tug :editor.
NORTH BUCKS. [To TIIII1 EDITOR Or THI 44 STICOTATOrt,..1 SIR,—Things come about. A parishioner of mine who has a brother in Cornwall, lent me a Cornish paper animadverting in a......
ARCHBISHOP TAIT.* [SECOND NOTICE.] Tstonon Dr. Tait died in what we have come to consider only the beginning of old age (he had not completed his seventy- first year), he had......
Free Primary Education Highly Profitable.
[To THE EDITOR OP THE " srzonaoa."3 Sin,—Permit me to say that our experience of the results from the education of the British people in the past, seems to warrant the extension......