27 NOVEMBER 1880, page 1

News Of The Week.

I T is announced on all sides that in the Cabinet Council of Wed- nesday it was resolved not to apply for a Coercion Bill for Ireland until a January meeting of Parliament. This......

The Occupation Of Dulcigno Has Not, As We Write, Been

officially announced, but there is no reasonable doubt that by Monday it will be part of Prince Nicola's dominion. Some new impulse has been felt in the Palace at......

Dr. Pusey Wrote A Clear And Sensible Letter To The

Times, of Wednesday, defending himself against the imputation of having encouraged parsons to persecute the laity ; and he cer- tainly makes out a complete defence. The only......

4 ** The Editors Cannot Undertaketo Return Manuscript In...


The Lord Chief Justice Of England Died Suddenly On Satur-

day night, without any previous illness. He was a man of ex- traordinary power, both oratorical and judicial, and the grasp which he had of a complicated mass of evidence like......

Besides Mr. Dale, There Are Now Two Candidates For Imprison-

ment,—Mr. Enraght and Mr. Green, who have both been in- hibited, for their mode of conducting public worship, have both paid no attention at all to the inhibition, and are both,......

It Should Be Noted That, According To A Telegram To

Paris —which must have come from the French Consul at Ragusa— Dervish Pasha, before advancing to Dulcigno, issued a pro- clamation ordering the Albanian League to dissolve its......