27 NOVEMBER 1880, page 2

Mr. Ashton Dilke, M.p. For Newcastle-on-tyne, Delivered A...

Birmingham last Tuesday on " The House of Lords in Account with the English Nation," in which he asserted that the House of Lords, which is supposed to have the special duty of......

The American Government Has Obviously Decided Not To...

further immigration of Chinese into the United States. So strong has been the pressure of opinion, that the Secretary of State recently proposed to Pekin that the Treaty......

The French Chamber Is About To Discuss A Bill Substituting

election by scrutin de lisle for election par arrondissement. That is to say, the system of single candidatures and single votes is to be abandoned for that of a list of......

Dr. Pusey Wrote A Clear And Sensible Letter To The

Times, of Wednesday, defending himself against the imputation of having encouraged parsons to persecute the laity ; and he cer- tainly makes out a complete defence. The only......

This Day Week, Mr. E. A. Leatham, Addressing His Consti-

tuents at Huddersfield, defended stoutly the action of the Government on the Irish question, and described the violence of the Irish agitators as due to the belief that their......

Yesterday Week, A Hackney Conservative Club Was Founded,...

the banquet held in honour of it, Lord Salisbury, the President, took the chair, and delivered a sharp, though not very effective, attack on the Liberals. After declaring that......

The Premier Of Cape Colony Has Telegraphed That The Colony

has no intention of applying for Imperial troops, its own " spirits and resources" being " apparently " equal to the work of suppressing the rebellion. He sends, however, un-......

Then Lord Salisbury Fell Upon The Government For Their Irish

policy. He held the Government guilty of the change for the worse in Ireland since the Conservatives went out,—not, indeed, of the whole change for the worse, but of a great......