27 NOVEMBER 1880, page 16

"travellers' Tales."

[TO THE EDITOR OF THE SPECTATOR.") SIR, —Travellers, from the days of Mandeville, have been privileged to see and hear strange things ; but if your reviewer this week is to be......

Persecution And Prosecution.

(TO THE EDITOR OF THE SPECTATOR-1 SIR,—I should not presume to utter a word in a controversy between such eminent persons as yourself and Dr. Liddon, had I not suffered with......


CABINET OILS AT THE DUDLEY GALLERY. THERE is no exhibition of the year which shows more strikingly than does this winter one at the Dudley Gallery the kind of work which is......

Dr. Robertson Smith And The Free-church Commission.

[TO THE EDITOR OF THE SPECTATOR.") Sit,—A newspaper writer must have his liberty, but if—as you ask—Dr. R. Smith were to speak of Peter describing " Paul's style as crabbed, and......

"a Sailor's Sweetheart."

[TO THE EDITOR OF THE " SPECTATOR:1 di Sin,—Your critic, in reviewing "A Sailor's Sweetheart," speaks of the " Wreck of the ' Grosvenor' " as a one-volume story, and compares my......