Before Dealing Specifically With The Principles He...
carried out, the Archbishop declared most emphatically that the amendments which he should either propose or support were in no sense wrecking amendments. They were not meant to......
On The Whole, We Are Still Optimistic In Regard To
the Bill, and believe that it will end by embodying what we have ventured to call the Spectator's five points. These are (1) That teachers in the transferred schools shall not......
The House Of Commons Reassembled On Tuesday For The Autumn
Session, and on Wednesday the Plural Voting Bill was considered in Committee. Various amendments were introduced with a view of limiting the operation of the Bill, but all were......
We Cannot Here Discuss The Details Of The Bill Or
the possi- bility of compromise on particular points. We are bound to say, however, that the temperate and reasonable attitude adopted by the Archbishop of Canterbury promises......
The Consideration Of The Education Bill In Committee...
the House of Lords on Thursday. Lord Goschen, in a speech of weight and ability, protested against the view that the House of Lords would act simply as defenders of the Church.......
The Archbishop Of Canterbury, Who Followed Lord Goschen,...
speech memorable not only for its statesmanship and moderation, but also for its acute and lawyerlike criticism of the weak points of the Bill. The Bill was in such a condition......
On Friday Week The Commission Appointed To Allocate 'the...
and funds of the Free Church of Scotland between the two existing sections of that Church issued their Report. Certain churches in Glasgow and elsewhere are given up to the Free......