27 OCTOBER 1906, page 3

Mr. Balfour Went On To Speak Of The " Legend

" of the com- promising letters proving the truth of the charge, and flatly denied their existence. " There are no such letters. The charge is false from beginning to end. If......

In These Circumstances—and We Challenge Any Man To Show That

our figures are incorrect, and that the offer for service at the front was not made as we have described it and by the numbers we state to have made it—it is exceedingly unfair......

We Have Already Noticed The Telegraphic Summary Of The...

of the Transvaal National Association. The full text now available shows that its adherents are thoroughly loyal to the Empire. We may quote the following passage :— "It is our......

Mr. Balfour Was Entertained By The Manchester...

luncheon on Monday, and spoke at length, and very wisely, on the rights and duties of the House of Lords in regard to legislation. In the evening he was presented with a......

We Note With Much Regret The Death Of Colonel Sanderson,

who had sat for North Armagh since 1885. Colonel Saunderson, though an Orangeman as well as an uncompromising Unionist, was personally popular with the Nationalists, as, indeed,......

We Note That The Times In A Leading Article In

its issue of Thursday states that in the late war under ten per cent. of the Volunteers, " notwithstanding the offer of high pay to a large proportion, were found willing to......

The War Between The Times And The Publishers Still Con-

tinues. The most notable incident of the past week has been the issue of a circular, signed by Mr. Walter, appealing to members of the Times Book Club to boycott the works......

Various Witnesses Have Been Examined Before The Metro-...

Commission during the week, the most noteworthy being a street bookmaker named Platt, of Lambeth. According to his evidence, he had been in the habit for months at a time of......

On Friday Week The Commission Appointed To Allocate 'the...

and funds of the Free Church of Scotland between the two existing sections of that Church issued their Report. Certain churches in Glasgow and elsewhere are given up to the Free......

Bank Rate, 6 Per Cent., Changed From 5 Per Cent.

Oct. 19th. Consols (2i) were on Friday 851—on Friday week 861.......