28 AUGUST 1880, page 1

Mr. Dillon, On Monday, Moved The Adjournment Of The House,

in order to call attention to Mr. Forster's strong censure of his Kildare speech for its wickedness and cowardice. The latter charge he said he was indifferent to, but the first......

Mr. Forster Declared On Monday Night That The Government Had

no intention of asking for further powers to preserve the peace in Ireland at present. He was not without great uneasi- ness as to the outrages, but he believed we had......

The Time For The Porte's Cession To Montenegro Is Up,

and Dulcigno is not surrendered, and the Naval demonstration has not taken place. There is, however, some appearance that this joint demonstration will really come off, and that......

A Disagreeable Onslaught On The Irish Secretary Was Made On

Monday, in relation to the recent order given to the Constabu- lary to load their guns with buck-shot instead of bullets. Some of the Irish Members treated this as a change for......

News Of The Week

T HE Afghan news is far from pleasant. First, we hear of a sally from Candahar, on the east side, on the 16th, which cost us seven officers, a chaplain, and 180 men all killed,......

The Irish Members Do Not Know What They Are About,

or what unmanageable spirit they are provoking by their conduct. They kept up the resistance to the vote for the Irish Con- stabulary,—a vote essential to the peace of......

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