The Terms Offered By Prnasia And Italy To The Kaiser
are moderate in the extreme, too moderate, we fear, for permanent peace. Austria is to retire from the Germanic Confederation, but to remain at liberty to form a new league......
News Of The Week.
(AN Sunday the Kaiser accepted an armistice, or rather a truce k./ during which an armistice may be arranged, forfive days. It was to expire at noon on Friday, but up to Friday......
The Week Has Been Distinguished By A Riot In London,
from which everybody has emerged with greatly diminished credit. An association called the Reform League called a meeting in sup- port of Reform, to be held in Hyde Park on......
The Provincial History Of England.—a Series Of Articles...
be commenced in the SPECTATOR, containing the history of each province in England so far as it is separate from that of the nation, its geography, its ethnology, and the special......
Mr. Bright Wrote A Letter To The Reform League Which
had, we fear, no little influence in promoting the foolish and mischievous proceedings of Monday in Hyde Park. "It appears," he said, "that the people may meet in the Parks for......
The Riot Threatening To Continue, Mr. Walpole Sent For The
managers of the League, to see if he could not come to some arrangement with them, and after a scene, described in another column—with Mr. Walpole overpowered by emotion, Mr.......