Current Literature.
W.S.W., a Voyage in that Direction to the West Indies. By Robert Elwee, Esq., author of A Sketcher's Tour Round the Workl With illustrations. (Kerby and Son.)—The illustrations......
Lynton Grange. A Novel. By I. R. S. Harington. 1
vol. (Pitman.) —We sustained our first shock in reading this story when we were in- formed that a poacher had received a pardon from the Crown before he was convicted of any......
The Lives Of The Seven Bishops. By Agnes Strickland. (bell
and Dalcly.)—Kings andliCaisers, princes and princesses having been used up, the purple gives place to the lawn, and to the contemplation of that fabric Miss Strickland carries......
No Union With Rome. An Anti-eirenicon. By. Alex. Gavazzi....
talis auxiliis," to me one of Signor Gavazri's quo- tations, is the cause of Protestantism to be vindicated when in danger' from a man of Dr. Pusey's piety and learning. The......
Wayside Flora; Or, Gleaningsfrom Rock And Field Towards...
Nona Bellaire. (Smith andElder.)—Our authoress, when she travels on the Continent, is in the habit of bolting out of the carriage and laying hands on any stray flowers she sees.......
The Life And Light Of Men. An Essay. By John
Young, LL.D. (Strahan.)—Dr. Young is one of the many theologians of the present day who hold the doctrine of vicarious, as opposed to expiatory, sacrifice in connection with the......
Millicent Legh. A Tale. By Emma Marshall. (seeley,...
Halliday.)—The authoress has modelled her tale on a careful study of the earlier triumphs of Miss Yong°, and the result is an Evangelical Heartsease, marred by .a pernicious......
Researches Into The History Of The British Dog. By G.
R. Jesse. With engravings. 2 vols. (Hardwicke.)—These handsome volumes may be commended with confidence to the attention of those whose affection for the canine race rather......