28 JULY 1866, page 23

Popular Astronomy. A Series Of Lectures. By G. B. Airy.

(Mac- millan.)—The Astronomer Royal in this little pocket volume undertakes - to instruct all persons who will really give their minds to the subject in the principles on which......

A Sanscrit Grammar For Beginners. By Max Muller....

Sanscrit students willbe glad to hear that Professor Muller has added a grammar to his list of handbooks for the study of that language. It is chiefly intended for beginners,......

Geological Sketches. By L. Agassiz. (trabner.) — The...

in this volume, first delivered as lectures, then published in the Atlantic Monthly, are to be considered, in the words of the author, rather as familiar talks on scientific......

No Union With Rome. An Anti-eirenicon. By. Alex. Gavazzi....

talis auxiliis," to me one of Signor Gavazri's quo- tations, is the cause of Protestantism to be vindicated when in danger' from a man of Dr. Pusey's piety and learning. The......

Peace Through The Truth ; Or, Essays On Subjects Connected

with Dr. Pusey's "Eirenicon." By Rev. T. Harper, S. J., Professor of Theology in the College of -St. Benno, North Wales. First Series. (Longmans.)— Dr._.Ensey must by this time......

The Battle Of The Two Philosophers. By An Inquirer....

This is an able defence of Sir W. Hamilton against Mr. Mill's Exami- nation, by a writer who considers that the latter, in grappling with a. metaphysical problem, misses the......

A Smaller Dictionary Of The Bible. By W: Smith, Ll

D. (Murray).. —This edition, as distinguished from the Large Dictionary and the- Concise Dictionary, is intended for the use of schools and young persons.. It is meant to serve......