28 OCTOBER 1972, page 15

Treating Crime

Sir: In his response to my article on treating crime (' Prisoners and unions' — October 14) Mr. C. W. Bond makes a number of errors and unfounded assumptions. The figures I gave......

From Lady Antonia Fraser Sir: My Attention Has Been Drawn

to an entry concerning myself in Your gossip column Bookend of September 30. So that I shall not seem to approve its statements by default, I should like to correct the record......


From Dr Konstantin Bazarov Sir: Hodder and Stoughton have been brandishing their alleged ' experts" very publicly, so it is not unreasonable that they should he expected to......


Sir: In stating his belief that homosexuals should not be allowed to hold high office, Spectator also stated, equally clearly, his prejudiced attitude towards homosexuals. It......

Penguin Pedagogy

From Professor .1. A. Rex Sir: It is quite unusual to have an (ugh!) — presumably a belch — gratuitously attached to one's name in a review, and I write, therefore, to protest......

Real Gammon?

From Captain Duncan Neil Dewar Sir: I was proud of a young relative's ability to pass so many 0 and A levels at school and then go on to collect university degrees with the ease......

Juliette 's Weekly Frolic

Judging by the reception that greeted Spanish Steps after Saturday's Hermitage Chase, I was not the only Newbury racegoer glad to be back ' jumping ' again. As for the profits,......