Keeping Up Standards
Sir: Taki tells us of motor racing's age of innocence (High life, 7 October) when drivers wore polo helmets and Mike Hawthorn raced wearing a bow tie. For the 1939 Le Mans......
Sir: Devasting' Though Ian Macleod's Cri- Tique Of...
may have been, to me the most devastating detail was your cover price in January 1964: is or 5p. Your present price is £1.90. You realise that this represents an inflation rate......
Sir: In his article (Another voice, 14 Octo- ber) Auberon Waugh commented on the `frisson of hatred' caused by the loud upper-class voice heard 'in every train'. Just imagine......
Friends In High Places Sir: I Was Interested To Read
the reprinted lain Macleod article CA question of loyal- ty', 14 October), since my late husband, Geraint Morgan, was then the Conservative MP for Denbigh. The selection of Lord......
Easily Confoosed
Sir: I hesitate to differ with the Kipling footnote cited by your elegant and erudite columnist Dot Wordsworth (Mind your language, 14 October), but as one whose distant......
All Change
Sir: Congratulations on your appointment. I hearby resign from my column. The two events are connected, but you know better than anyone that this resignation is not a mark of......
Sir: I noticed that in the BBC reports on the contraceptive pill the users were referred to as 'patients'. Since when has child-bearing become a disease? James Brockway......