29 NOVEMBER 1975, page 4

Letters To The Editor

Research Department From Sir Keith Joseph, MP Sir: Politicians need thick skins, and more often than not permit press comments to pass in silence: Otherwise we might rarely ever......

Nhs Crisis

Sir: At the end of the debate on the Health Service in the House of Commons on Friday, November 21, Dr David Owen was left speaking to only eight MPs. By showing such......

Cardinal Heenan

Sir: Your obituary of Cardinal Heenan gives the impression of having been written by an enemy not only of the great cardinal but also of the Catholic Church. Hugh Ross......

Robbing Peter

Sir: I am sure that all pensioners are grateful to our benevolent Prime Minister for the increase in pensions due in early December. , But have they considered where the money......


Sir: Although he devotes the whole of his November 15 column to me, Bookbuyer does not quite indicate what my article in the New Review was about — even in the relatively......

Mr Heath

Sir: Mr Edward Heath is again showing signs of the latent paranoia which appeared from time to time when he was in office. You may think it quite futile to compare his conduct......

Home Rule

Sir: In view of the fact that home rule for England would follow from indepen dence for Wales and Scotland, voauld not the Conservative Party predomin ate in an independent......


Sir: To demonstrate the splendid qualifications of some Asian doctors, Mr Arrilt Roy (November 15) invokes the name of one of them and appends the initials "RGN, DOMSI, DORCS,......


Sir: John Linklater says in his interest ing article on the power of the vol l (November 22) that will power is denied by humanists who see man as the sick molecular joke" and......

Amoral Politics

Sir, Mr Folkes (November 8) correctlY points out that 'a doctrine of individua l conduct' and 'a doctrine about Govern ment policies' are two quite distinctlY separate......