2 APRIL 1910, page 13

The Centre Party Union.

[To THE EDITOS OF THE "8PECTATOR:] Sza,—The Centre Party Union has for some time been the second title of the Middle Classes Defence Organisation, and has recently been adopted......

The Reconsideration Of The Budget. [to The Editor Of The

"SPECTATOR."1 Sin,—Since there is now a definite prospect of the Finance Bill coming before the House of Commons at an early date, may I be allowed to sound a warning note......


SOME MODERN FRENCH BOOKS. [TO THZ EDITOZ OF THE "SPICTAT011.1 SIB,—In suggesting the names of a few readable books among those recently published in France, it seems natural to......

Letters To The Editor.

THE SINGLE-CHAMBER RESOLUTIONS. (To THE EDITOR Or THE " SPECTATOZ.1 Srn,—In the interesting article on "The Single-Chamber Resolutions "in your issue of March 26th in dealing......

The House Of Lords Problem.

[TO THE EDITOR Or THE "SPECTATOR."] SIE, - I have been surprised to find that both parties and all speakers ignore one aspect of this question,—viz., the logical consequence of......