How History Repeats Itself.
CrO THE EDITOZ OP THE " SPEETATOR."1 SIR,—The time-honoured saying that "there is no new thing under the sun" proves true even of German commercial rivalry. Thus in the......
[to Thz Editoz Of Tile " Sricrwros.°9 Sir,—in Reading The
article on "Socialists and the Poor Law" which appeared in last Saturday's Spectator, I began to wonder whether the writer of that article could have carefully studied the......
The Policy Of The Spendthrift.
LTO THZ EDITOE OP TEE " SPECTATOR:] SIR,—Referring to Mr. Davis's letter in your issue of March 26th, some of us who have suffered from the short- comings of the Post Office......
Socialists And The Poor Law.
[To THE EDITOZ OF THE " SPECTATOR.”] Sra,—I hope you will allow me, as an oldPoor Law Guardian, to thank you for your timely and able article of Saturday last. I have followed......
Lto Teo Editor Op Teti "spectator.")
Sin,—In criticising severely at considerable length the plea of Lady McLaren for a more scientific consideration of infanticide you quote from her "Women's Charter" this......