How History Repeats Itself.
CrO THE EDITOZ OP THE " SPEETATOR."1 SIR,—The time-honoured saying that "there is no new thing under the sun" proves true even of German commercial rivalry. Thus in the......
The Church Lads' Brigade.—a Plea For Tidiness.
ITO rum Emma or ram "srocriroo."1 Sm.,—Newlands Corner, not far from Guildford, is one of the beauty spots of Surrey, and a delightful place for an Easter Monday parade, or for......
The Toast Of Th_e Army.
[To THE EDITOR OP THE " BPECTATOE."1 the Spectator kindly inform me what it would consider the most appropriate toast of the Army as at present constituted? In the days of the......
The School Of Sociology.
[To THE EDITOR ClY THE " SPEcr■Toz."] Sta, — Your known sympathy with well-considered charitable methods encourages us to ask you to find space for a few words on the objects......