The Real Question Seems To Be : Will These Latter
measures prove sufficient to arouse a real public life in Spain ? The lack of it, as has been often pointed out, is the real reason why no reform goes more than skin deep. If......
Bit. "neville - Chamberlain, In Reply - To A "deputation...
People's League of Health, on Tuesday presented a handsome programme in which his department is interested. The department, he said, would help in the preparation and......
There Has Been Another Coup D'etat In Chile, Where The
army and navy have unmade the puppet government which they set • up in September. The " Services " quarrelled over the spoils, and Senor Augustin Edwards, who was till recently......
With -the Unanimous Refusal Of The Dominion Govern- Ments To
attend an Imperial Conference in London on.. the Geneva Protocol, we must regard that - instrument as, if not dead, yet in a state of suspended animation. The only question• of......
The Ultimatum To Egypt After The Murder Of The Sirdar
had one weak spot—the clause asserting the right to an unreserved interception of the Nile for irrigating the Sudan. The excuse is that the ultimatum was drawn up in great......
" It Is A Positive Fact That The Efficiency And
hours of work of Civil Servants are to-day in the Ministries much what they were eighteen months ago. Instead of ma?iana, applicants are politely informed that tan pronto (as......
The Tension Between America And France Over The Question Of
the Debts does not seem to have been relieved by recent events. M. Marin, the Minister of the Liberated Areas, in M. Poineare's Government, • made what is described as an......
* * * Mr. Mckenna, The Chairman Of The Midland
Bank, addressed his shareholders on Tuesday. The special subjects he chose were Currency Values, the Volume of Credit, and Gold Control. What strikes us as one of the most......
In Spain The Return Of The Marquis De Estella On
Thursday, the 22nd, to Madrid after four months spent in Morocco, and the assembling of all the provincial Mayors to honour the King, mark an important stage in the history of......