Acton, - Gladstone And Others. By Mary Drew. (nisbet.. 7s.
6d.) Mos. DREW gives us some delightful pictures of the steadfast lights of Victorianism ; Gladstone crowded out of his house by books, offering a prize for the discovery of a......
Notable Books
MODERN EUROPEAN HISTORY, 1494-1914. By J. S. Hoyland. (G. Bell and Sons. 5s. net.) THE compression of the history of a continent over four centuties :into a small book can only......
Books Of Reference
WHO'S WHO FOR 1925. (A. and C. Black. 42s. net.) THIS invaluable dictionary of biographies is now in its seventy seventh year. Although its accuracy depends largely upon the......
An . Introduction To Modern Political Theory. By C. E. M.
Joad. (The Clarendon Press. 2s 6d.) MR. JOAD has written what can only be described as-a model manual on modern political theory. It has this startling advantage over most books......
-walt Whitman
Walt Whitman : A‘Study and a Selection. By Gerald Bullet-t. Limited Edition. (Grant Richards. 15s.) MR. Bummrr's sober essay which prefaces this selection of Whitman's poems is......