Finance - Public And Private To What Extent The Slacker...
dealings in the Stock Markets may be attributed to uncertainties with regard to the Gold Standard it would be difficult to say, but, unquestionably, they have something to do......
THE SCARS OF BATTLE , Plumes. By Laurence Stallings. (Cape. 7s. 6d. net.) IF Englishmen are still sick of reading about the War and - the consequences of the War (as we have......
Other Novels -
The Mind of Mark. By H. Herman Chilton. (Arnold. 7s. 6d. net.)--This begins as a novel of business, but soars into a metaphysical conversion about halfway throtigh the book.......
Callan2. By Beatrice Harraden. (hodder And Stoughton. Os....
not it is the effect of a revulsion from autumn and the falling leaf, the novelists of the present season seem obsessed with the question of youth. Here we have Miss Harraden......