We Find It Difficult To Believe, As Both The Emperor
of Russia and the Emperor of Austria desire peace, that the straggle over the Balkans will result in war, but the news- paper polemics undoubtedly becomes sharp. The Russians......
The European Ambassadors In Pekin Have At Last Arrived At
a final agreement as to the indemnity to be paid by China. It is to amount to £64,000,000, bearing interest at 4 per cent., and is to be entirely paid off by 1940. Payment of......
It Is Difficult To Ascertain The Truth As To The
relation of the Italian masses to the house of Savoy, but every now and then an incident happens which indicates at least a strong attach- ment. July 29th, for example, is the......
News Of The Week.
O N the whole, the war news tends to be better this week, and we note that the able and trustworthy correspondent of the Morning Post at the front states in Friday's issue that......
The Duke Of Cornwall Has Addressed To Lord Hopetoun, The
Governor-General of Australia, a letter remarkable for its good feeling, its sense, and its entire freedom from that stilted com- monplace which so often obscures and spoils......
The Austrian Papers Fully Expect That If The New Duties
on food are accepted by the German Parliament there will be a tariff war between Austria and the German Empire. The first effect of the proposals has been to alienate the......
* „* The Editors Cannot Undertake To Return Manuscript, In
any case.......