3 AUGUST 1901, page 13
Our Boer Prisoners.
Iwo THE EDITOR OP THE "SPECTATOR."] Sru,—I have just had my attention called to the Spectator's notice (May 4th) of my' article in the Nineteenth Century on the Boer prisoners.......
Mr. Rhodes.
(To THE EDITOR OP TITS asascraron.") SIR,—As my letter printed in the Spectator of March 23rd was the cause of " X. R.'s " somewhat belated rejoinder from South Africa (July......
Lord Rosebery And His Critics. [to The Editor Od Thz
" SpEcraTop..1 Sui, — Having for the last two or three weeks been residing in the depths of the country where papers were few and far between, it was only on my return to town......