In The House Of Commons On Thursday, The Loan Bill
being under discussion, the Chancellor of the Exchequer made what must be considered a fairly hopeful statement in regard to the war. He declared that there was already a very......
We Trust That The Government, In Spite Of The Pre-
occupations of the war, are turning their attention to the question of the Boer prisoners, of whom, including the surrendered burghers, according to the answer given by Lord......
It Is With Deep Regret That We Record The Sudden
death of Lady Hilda Brodrick, the wife of the Secretary of State for War, which took place at Esher on Thursday morning after S very short illness due to blood - poisoning,......
If This Is Correct, And "0. B." Ought To Know,
we obtain for the first time—for we do not remember to have seen the facts in print before—a clue to the extraordinary conduct of the nominally anti-Rhodes members of the South......
In The Lords On Thursday, After The Peers Had Unanimously
r ated the grant to Lord Roberts—Lord Salisbury incidentally remarking that we give grants to military men and not to civilians "because we do not depend upon the services of......
Unless We Are Mistaken, A Letter In Our Correspondence...
signed "C. B." incidentally explains the greatest of all the mysteries in regard to Mr. Rhodes,—the mystery of why the Liberals on the South African Committee allowed Mr. Rhodes......
The New York Evening Post Reports That Mr. Pierpont Morgan's
firm will shortly become "a corporation," or, as we should say, a limited liability company. The reason assigned is that its business has become too extended for individual......
We Have Dealt At Length Elsewhere With The Squabble Which
has been going on throughout the week between the Daily Mail and the War Office in regard to the publication of official secrets, and will only say here that all the indications......
Bank Rate, 3 Per Cent.
New Consols (21) were on Friday 93i.......