Montaigne And German Drunkenness.
[To THE EDITOR OP THE " SPECTATOR.") Sin,—In Montaigne's chapter on drunkenness, the second in the second book of the Easels, there is an odd misquotation from JuvenaL The......
[to The Editor Op The " Spectator.") Sir, —with A Few
noteworthy exceptions, it is an astonishing fact that - in the appeals made to the nation by Governmental officials, by those who hold influential positions, and by the Press......
The Nationalization Of The Drink Traffic. [to The Editor Op
TITI " SPECTATOR.") you insert a letter, as short as I can make it, from an employer and business man who has been for more than fifty years a student of the drink question ? I......
Can The Other War Be Avoided ?
[TO THE EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOR. ") Sr,—For a few years prior to August, 1914, probably most ordinary people were vaguely apprehensive of two possible calamities that might......
The Treatment Of German Prisoners. [to Thr Editor Op The
" SPECTATOR:1 Sts,—To misstate your opponent's case and then to reply to your own misstatement is a favourite Radical and Free Trader's method of argu- ment. Thus, we have in......
German " Kuli Let " And The "spectator"—forty-five Years...
[TO THE EDITOR OP HE " SPECTATOR.") Sit,—Turning over the files of your paper for 1871, I came upon an article on the Kaiser's first speech to the United Parliament of Germany......