Virgirs " Gathering Of The Clans." By W. Wardo Fowler.
(Black- well. 3s. Od. net.)—There must be others who, like Dr. Warde Fowler, seek in evil days some distraction in great poetry which by its merits and associations can grip and......
The Neutral Merchant In Relation To The Law Of Contraband
of War and Blockade. By Sir Francis Piggott,. (University of London Press. 2s. 6d. net.)—It is satisfactory that these articles have been reprinted from the Nineteenth Century,......
Croekford's Clerical Directory, 1918-17. (the Field And...
current Crockford has reached us, an invaluable volume for reference in its sphere. We see many times in the place of an address or usual cure the words " British Expeditionary......
An Illustrated Selection Of The Principal Exhibits Of The...
Exhibition of Antiques, Coronation Durbar, 1911. (The Archaeological Survey of India. Rs. 20 or 30s.)—Eastern Malatestas and Sforzas painted with almost the subtle refinement of......
The Blackest Page Of Modern History. By H. R. Gibbons.
(G. P. Putnam's Sons. 3s. ficl. net.)—Dr. Gibbons is entitled to write with authority upon the massacres of Armenians, for " their blood was spilt before his eyes in Adana," and......