FRERE JACQUES. ("One of these listening posts, the most advanced of Gem, Is occupied by a 'tidier who, in ordinary life, was a monk. . lie was ones isolated during three days.......
Secret Diplomacy.
[TO THE EDITOR 01 THE " SPECTATOR"' Snt,—The following passage, taken from Gardiner's History of as Commonwealth and Protectorate, and describing Cromwell's negotiations with De......
Sir Leo Chiozza Money's Writings.
(To THE EDITOR OF TnE " SPECTATOR."' -sDr. J. C. Stamp, the author of the valuable book, British Incomes and Property, with whom I am personally unacquainted, has kindly......
ARISTODEMOCRACY.' Sin CHARLES WALDSTEIN does not anywhere define precisely what he means by the composite word Aristodemocracy, which he has chosen as the title for an......
Notice.—when "correspondence" Or Articles Are Signed With...
or initials, or with a pseudonym, or are :narked " Communi- cated," the Editor must not necessarily be held to be in agreement with the views therein expressed or with the mode......